
访客访客 启迪学习 2023-12-28 208 0

在我国,汽车是指有自身装备的动力装置驱动,一般具有四个或四个以上车轮,不依靠轨道或架线而在陆地行驶的车辆。汽车通常被用作载运客、货和牵引客、货挂车,也有为完成特定运输任务或作业任务而将其改装或经装配了专用设备成为 专用车辆,但不包括专供农业使用的机械。全挂车和半挂车并无自带动力装置,他们与牵引汽车组成汽车列车时才属于汽车范畴。有些进行特种作业的轮式机械以及农田作业用的轮式拖拉机等,在少数国家被列入专用汽车,而在我国则分别被列入工程机械和农用机械之中。
按照国家最新标准GB/T 3730.1—2001对汽车的定义:由动力驱动,具有四个或四个以上车轮的非轨道承载的车辆,主要用于:载运人员和(或)货物;牵引载运人员和(或)货物的车辆;特殊用途。本术语还包括:a)与电力线相联的车辆,如无轨电车;b)整车整备质量超过400kg的三轮车辆。
美国汽车工程师学会标准SAEJ 687C中对汽车的定义是:由本身动力驱动,装有驾驶装置,能在固定轨道以外的道路或地域上运送客货或牵引车辆的车辆。


百度上面,还有goole ,以及汽车网都会有相关的英语文章!



【Overview】 car

Vehicle (automobile) English original intent was to automatic car, in Japan, also known as automatic car (the Japanese characters in the car while we are talking about is the train) are also many other languages are automatic car, only exception to our country.

In China, the car is the power equipment has its own device drivers, usually have four or more wheels, not to rely on the track or land-line and in vehicles. Is often used as a vehicle to carry passengers, cargo and traction passenger and cargo trailers, but also for the completion of a specific mission or operation of transport and its mission, as modified or equipped with special equipment as a dedicated vehicle, but does not include special machinery for agricultural use. Trailers and semi-trailer full power device does not own their vehicle components and traction when the vehicle belong to the train car areas. Some of the wheel to carry out special operations, as well as farm machinery used in homework and other wheeled tractor, a small number of countries included in the Special Purpose Vehicle, and in our country were to be included in construction machinery and agricultural machinery are.


