工作不是生活的全部,要懂得珍惜亲情 英语怎么说

访客访客 启迪工作 2024-05-19 218 0

Work is not everything of life. We need to cherish our relatives


A: Hi,It's you ,Lily?
B:Yes ,it's me,it has been a long time that we have not seen since we greduate from school.
A: Really a long time .
B: What's everything going with you ?
A: I am fine ,and I wor at a tools factory,What aout you?
B: You have already worked?
A:Yes,It's very hand for me to live without doing anything .
B:I remmber your family is not that poor?
A: I just want to live by myself.
B:Oh,a good guy!
A:and what about you?
B:I'm still studying ,I hope I can be a teacher one day .
A: You are always good at study,I think everything will be Ok!
B:I hope so,Oh ,I must go now.
A: Me ,too.Good Luck,My friend.


