
访客访客 启迪有感 2024-05-10 205 0

The weather does affect people's moods.

I can approve the weather does affect people's moods.
This afternoon, I stay in my office and do my job as the usual.
When I heard the sounds of heavy rain and strong wind from the outside, I can not concentrate on my work.? Tired and sleepy.? I do not want to work today.? I can not read a word.? The only idea in my mind is that I want go home.? I wanna go home.? I wanna go home.? I should stay home when the typhoon is coming.? I love the feeling of quiet?and peace at home when the rain or wind are heavy?and strong outside.? Compare indoor with outdoor, and I will know how lucky I am.? Unfortunately, I can not leave?
a lot of questions and the mood differs and differs.


