
访客访客 启迪工作 2024-04-27 230 0

How to understand success? It seems known that the money or wealth will be the only standard to mearsure one’s success,maybe they are right because it’ hard to find another mode to judge.But, in my opinion,money is not the only standard to be considered successful.As a matter of fact, the rich have many reasons to be rich,including opportunites and abilities,and sometimes they deserve the wealth because they have paid for it.I don’t belong to the gang who hate the rich. But,I don’t agree with the point of view that the more you earn the more successful you are.Money is just the tool to achieve your goal but never the goal.Life is short!Be happy with your life, treating your lovers right and leading a colorful life are all more important than earning countless money. What is success?I have gotten my own answer that is never giving up your dream with happiness


