
启迪番号启迪番号 启迪有感 2024-02-23 291 0

I raise a West Highland White Terrier named Dondon.It's a lively and naughty small white dog.It has a pair of lovely straight ears.It will wag its tail when meeting you.I walk the dog for half an hour and twice everyday.It will be happy when meeting other dogs in my residence community.A Scottish Shepherd is getting well with my dog.And it has a speciality that it is bigger than other dogs.Especially,there is only a head left after barberring it.And the people meet it will stop to take a look at it.I love my dog very much.For I'm always alone in my house,only my dog can keep my company.I like watching films downloaded in my computer with my dog.Sometimes,it will be frightened if I do not hold my dog when I see the scary movies.


