关于a interesting expreience in my life的英语作文

访客访客 启迪有感 2024-07-15 224 0

A interesting expreience in my life
Althought it was several years ago, I have always remembered that amusing thing that I experienced.
That was an sunny afternoon when I had finished my whole day's class and was on my way home, I suddenly smelt a very marvelous smell. Then I delightly found a small restaurant on a side of the street, and I hastened in, and knew that the smell was from the fried potato. So I also ordered one plate of it.
After eating up, I quickly went home. When I was at the door of my home, my mother stopped me and covered my eyes with a handkerchief. I was quite surprised, but Mother didn't let me move it away, and led me to the dining room, asked me to sit down at the table.
Maybe I had eating so much potatos, I suddedly felt a feeling of passing gas(放屁), thinking that there was nobody around, so I immediately put one foot up, and let the gas passed. Later, Mum asked me to move the handkerchief away, I was quite surprised to see so many friends and relatives sitting around the table, and lots of tasty dishes I liked on the table, which I realized at once that it was my birthday. However, I was very ashamed about what I had done.
Several years has passed, I have always remembered that embrassed (尴尬)experience, but I think that was also the most interesting matter I have experienced. I have told it to many people----my friends, fellow students, and my colleagues, and they all burst into such a big laughter(突然笑起来)that they nearly fell out of chairs.



